Tuschinski Theatre, a Dutch gem in Amsterdam

I don’t really know why that is, where it comes from. I’ve been quite obsessed with this cinema these last few weeks (months?), talking about it, regretting that the theatre could not be visited during the Openmonumentendag – certainly because it’s private. Well, I’ve finally been able to enter the Groote Zaal, the main stage,…

My view of Delft

French people who, like me, followed literature courses, know Delft from a particular extract of Marcel Proust’s well-known A la recherche du temps perdu: “Un petit pan de mur jaune”. Now that I am living in the Netherlands, I thought it might be a good reason to pay a visit to Delft – and maybe even find that peculiar small, yellow piece of wall… (Spoiler alert : I didn’t. I’m not sure it even exists.)